Researchers in our network use various tools to study VODs, including specialist databases, scraping tools, and general-purpose resources that can be adapted to study VODs.

Computational tools

  • UI VISION: A free open-source browser extension useful for scraping VOD user interfaces.
  • PYTHON: A programming language that offers extensive libraries (such as Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, and Matplotlib) and enables collecting, processing, analyzing, and visualizing large datasets
  • SEABORN: A Python data visualization tool useful for presenting findings from VOD analysis.
  • GEMINI: One of several AI tools that can be used for automated content analysis of VOD originals and other content.


  • MAVISE: The European Audiovisual Observatory’s free database of 3000+ VODs and other audiovisual providers operating in the EU.
  • LUMIERE VOD: The European Audiovisual Observatory’s directory of European works (film and TV content) available on on-demand services in Europe.
  • AVMSD DATABASE: The European Audiovisual Observatory’s resource on transpositions of the EU’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive, comparing national rules on VOD prominence and national content.
  • AMPERE SVOD ANALYTICS: Paid platform that allows fine-grained analysis of SVOD catalogs, including catalog composition, genres, content age, localisation, originals, and windowing.
  • ARVESTER: Paid platform allowing analysis of prominence and visibility of titles across VODs.
  • JUSTWATCH: A scrapable VOD metadata aggregator that is regularly used for catalog analyses.